Louie Cai

San Diego, CA · (475) 298-7585 · me@louiecai.com

I am currently a senior undergrad student studying at UC San Diego pursuing a degree in data science and a minor in computer engineering. I enjoy working out, hanging out with friends, and playing video games.

📄 Read My Résumé Here!


University of California, San Diego

Bachelor of Science
Major: Data Science
Minor: Computer Engineering

GPA: 3.77

Relevant Coursework: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Data Analysis, Computer Organization and Systems Programming, Data Structures & Object-Oriented Design, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Discrete Mathematics, IoT & Sensors, Components and Design Techniques for Digital Systems

September 2020 - June 2024

Christian Heritage School

High School Degree

GPA: 4.34

August 2016 - June 2020


UC San Diego

CSE Tutor (CSE 140L)
My key responsibilities encompass conducting office hours, during which I offer dedicated assistance and support to students, addressing their diverse questions and academic inquiries. In addition, I worked with the professor to re-design the course materials and assignments to better fit the students' needs.
April - June 2024


Software Development Engineer Intern
During my SDE internship at Amazon, I led the development of a front-end internal tool using React, TypeScript, and Git, incorporating principles of object-oriented design and adhering to good coding practices. This effort ensured optimal user interface design and entailed driving performance optimization for seamless experiences across devices, all while collaborating closely with my mentor.
June - September 2023

UC San Diego

CSE Tutor (CSE 8A)
My key responsibilities encompass conducting office hours, during which I offer dedicated assistance and support to students, addressing their diverse questions and academic inquiries. In addition to this direct student interaction, I have also taken on the technical task of developing specialized scripts. These scripts play a crucial role in the academic process by efficiently compiling and analyzing various data sources to generate accurate and comprehensive class grades.
September - December 2023


Convolutional Neural Network Image Classification

Developed a custom convolutional neural network with PyTorch to classify 20 categories of food images. Constructed and trained the neural net with PyTorch and cuda. Optimized the network through changing the architecture and the hyperparameters. Graphed and analyzed the feature maps and the filters with matplotlib.

Feburary 2022

Twitter Sentiment Analysis API

Developed a configurable LSTM model to classify the sentiment of Twitter tweets into different categories and created an API that returns a response JSON object of the sentiment result with FastAPI. Trained 1000 different LSTM models with grid search to find the optimal hyperparameters.

July 2022

Tiktok Reddit Video Automator

Created a Python script that downloads hottest videos from subreddits with the Reddit API and uploads them to tiktok accounts with Python and Selenium. Can be deployed to a server and post videos automatically with configurable settings (rest interval, target subreddit, etc.)

August 2022 - Now

Minecraft Mod Development

Developed Minecraft plugins that improves/expands the player experience by adding items to interact with in Minecraft. The most popular plugin current has over 2.8M downloads on CurseForge.

June 2020 - Dec 2020

Data Visualization: History of Data Science

Created three data visualization with Python and brief explanation of their importance in the development of data science.

Feburary 2022

iOS Mobile Hockey Game

Developed a touch-based air hockey game with C# under the Unity game engine with a functional alpha version with a proper game mechanism, scoring system, UI animations, and an AI trained through reinforcement learning with Unity’s ML-Agents library Uses C# scripts to create custom behaviors and trigger events. Uses Blender to model the game objects. Uses Photoshop to adjust the UI sprites.

July 2021 - Today

Raspberry Pi Stock Updater

Created a configurable Python webscraper that checks Raspberry Pi stocks from verified sellers and prints out the information in colored and formatted texts. Uses request to download the html source code of each webpage and BeautifulSoup4 to load the html code and find the tags containing the desired information. Uses termcolor to format the outputs.

Feburary 2022


Programming Languages
Libraries & Frameworks

Awards & Certifications